I purchased a tiller F75 4 stroke about 2 years ago. I've put a max of 3 hours on the engine before my world turned upside down and we moved to the Phoenix Arizona area. For personal economics reasons the boat sat in our garage all this time and I didn't charge the batteries periodically. The auto tilt wouldn't operate. I can't trailer the boat until i can get the engine shaft raised and secured. When I realized my error the batteries would no longer hold a charge due to sitting in 110 degree hot garage for so long. My question is: Is this the only thing that can be wrong? I bought new batteries and they are charging as I write this post. Would fuses be affected? Do I have to change the break in oil because of the situation. Any advice for any and all things that might need looking into because of this scenario are appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Neglect problems with F75 4 stroke.
Well, I did as you said.
Still no juice to the motor. The ETM works, so I know there is juice. I can't raise the tilt manually. I called Cabela's here in Glendale, AZ. (official Yamaha service for my area) to possibly make a house call. If they charge me for the visit to my house, Yamaha can expect to be asked for reimbursement. Warranty still good till 3/2011, and again there are only 3 hours max on this motor. I get a sick feeling when I think I may have spent $400.00 for new batteries I didn't really need. I don't want any bases to go uncovered that may prolong this situation.When I call them, what should I tell them to bring with them? Fuses, Circuit breakers? What? Turning out to be way more hassle than I anticipated.
Thanks in advance.
Why can you not raise the motor manually?
There is a manual release screw on motors, just check your owners manual.
Also a volt meter will help with chasing down where voltage is being lost
Rich Ziert
I can't manually tilt the motor because my garage floor is such that it is raised about 3 inches where the keel sits. This ledge is about 4 feet wide. Therefore the keel is not all the way in the down position. I'm in better than average good shape physically and I tried with both hands to turn the "screw" and can't make it budge. If I drag the boat those 4 feet out of the garage so that the motor keel presumably drops, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back up and not therefore be able to get it back in the garage. My Homeowners Association does not allow boats on the drive way. I have to admit being volt meter stupid and don't want to do anything that will void the warranty.