Does anyone know if this engine model has a rev limiter and/or RPM reduction for overheat? If it does have a rev limter what RPM does it kick in at? Thanks for your help!
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2001 40TLRZ 2 stroke
It would have to be above the 5500 RPM WOT rating it has. My C40TLRX has seen close to 6000 with prop cavitation, had to lower motor one hole.
The temp alarm will retard the timing reducing the RPM to around 2000
What kind of problem are you having?
im not really having a problem, just trying to get the prop right. I can hit about 5700 or 5750 at WOT with the engine trimmed. With the engine all the way down it hits 5450. I was not sure if it had a rev limiter kicking in at some point or not. I am thinking that it might need one more inch of pitch at some point.
What prop and boat you running? The load will make a difference also.
this performance site shows the 40s running 10 5/8 X 12 and I think that is what is on my 16 ft Xpress Semi-V ,But it is SS Ballistic 3 blade. Running around 4500 gives me very good fuel economy and WOT is at 5500 with 2 people, 32-35 MPH depending on wind strength and direction.
Performance Bulletin HomeLast edited by 99yam40; 05-07-2010, 11:18 AM.
I am using a 11 5/8 x 11 right now on a 13 foot RIB, 5750 WOT was with two people. 10 5/8 x 12 might be the way to go, I also have a 10 x 15 and that was way too much prop, 4750 was the max rpm I could get.Last edited by troy994719; 05-07-2010, 04:32 PM.